Charis Institute at Regent University is offering a FREE online enrichment marriage class on zoom
Monday evenings 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm EST
March 14th to April 18th!
To watch session 1 and get a sneak peek of what this class has to offer, click the video below!
Sign up for a dynamic, positive marriage workshop: Grace Together Marriage Workshop. This evidence-based Christian workshop combines the best of Christian teaching on marriage from Colossians, with the latest research on brain and behavior research. Co-led by Dr. Jim Sells, Ph.D. and Dr. Jennifer Ripley, Ph.D., directors of the Charis Institute at Regent University.
Dr. Sells and Dr. Ripley teach about Grace in Marriage. Then a small group of couples like you will meet together on Zoom for group discussions. Groups are led by counselors who are trained at Charis Institute.
Want to learn more? Sign up for this limited time only class!
Week 1: Welcome and What to Expect
Week 2: The Us: Who are We as a Couple and Why are We Here?
Week 3: Pain
week 4: Pain, Defense, Offense Cycle
Week 5: Grace: The Story of a Healthy Family
Week 6: The Good Marriage
This 6-session workshop is FREE and includes the videos, workbooks, and weekly class discussions.
Is this a class or counseling?
This is an enrichment class for couples. This class is not counseling.
What will we do in the class?
You will hear teaching on marriage from Colossians, and from the latest research on couple relationships from Dr. Jennifer Ripley and Dr. James Sells. Then you can discuss the ideas in a small group with group leaders.
Will we interact with other people in the class?
Yes, you will discuss the material as a group of about 10 couples. The meetings will be on Zoom led by group leaders trained by Dr. Ripley and Dr. Sells.
How many weeks is this class? When is it?
It is 6 weeks long. The class is held Monday evenings from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
What if my spouse and I are looking for counseling?
Click here more information for affordable couples counseling with the HOPE Couples Project
Can we sign up for this as a group with our church friends/group?
If you are interested in a group for your existing group of friends or a small group at your church, contact us. We would be glad to see if we can help you with that.
What is the cost? Do both of us pay?
This class is FREE if you participate in research!