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Build your couples group with the Loyal Love Marriage Small Group

[evc_section_title text_alignment=”center” enable_separator=”yes” title=”An 8-week program to build up a couples group for your church and point everyone towards following Jesus with loyal love in marriage relationships.”]

How does this group work?

Couples come together in a small group to help each other to grow to be more like Jesus in your marriage relationship.  The participant and leaders manuals have all of the information you need to conduct a group.

What else can we do between group meetings?

You can listen to a podcast about that week’s theme in the form a discussion between Dr James Sells and Dr Jennifer Ripley, psychologists, co-directors of the Charis Institute and the Hughes professors of Christian integration at Regent University.

You can read good content on the theme of the week.  The Charis Institute also collected good ideas focused on the theme of the week. These are weblink that include poems, artwork, devotionals, music, Bible verses and other “artifacts” that can enrich your daily quiet time or bring your closer to the goal of being more like Jesus through your marriage.

Manuals to Download

Loyal Love Participants Manual

Loyal Love Participant Manual

Loyal Love Leaders Manual

Loyal Love Leaders Manual

Week 5: Humility

Ponder the humility of Christ and in marriage with these links

Thank you for participating!

At times the Charis Institute will host a live online Loyal Love group led by our staff.  If you have an interest in this please contact us at