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Video Series in Best Practice and Ethics in Spiritually Integrated Couple Therapy

If you click on the “hamburger” (three lines with the triangle) in the top left corner of the video below, you can see the entire series. The link below takes you to the Playlist.  We hope you enjoy it! 

Titles in this series: Spiritually Integrated Couple Therapy

Ev on Forgiveness, Session 1: Introduction and research

Ev on Forgiveness, Session 2: What counselors need to do when working with forgiveness

Ev on Forgiveness, Session 3: Ethical consideration in counseling on forgiveness

Ev on Forgiveness, Session 4: REACH model of forgiveness

Ev on Forgiveness, Session 5: Reconciliation

Ev on Forgiveness, Session 6: Spiritual interventions and recap on forgiveness

Jennifer on Couple Therapy, Session 1: Research on religion and couples

Jennifer on Couple Therapy, Session 2: Ethical considerations in spiritually integrated couple therapy

Jennifer on Couple Therapy, Session 3: Assessment of spirituality with couples

Jennifer on Couple Therapy, Session 4: Communication and conflict resolution

Jennifer on Couple Therapy, Session 5: Spiritual interventions when faith is a problem

Feel free to share this video series with anyone.  It is free and available to the public (even clients, if it is helpful).

Connect to more information on forgiveness interventions with Dr Ev Worthington: