Interested in a Christian perspective on expressing grace in marriage? As Christians, we are frequently encouraged to express thanks for the blessings we receive, for example as passages in Ephesians and…
Over time, you may become less accustomed to recognizing acts of service and love that are performed in your relationship. When you feel less appreciated for what you do, you…
FAITH ENRICHMENT: If faith is important to the two of you then consider scripture’s stance on the importance of thoughts. Proverbs 23:7 provides an example: “For as he thinketh in his…
Attributions are debatable. Consider an alternative explanation for your partner’s behavior. The link between our thoughts and emotions can be understood through the ABCs: A is the Activating event; B…
Our thoughts have a profound impact on our emotions and behavior. The very thoughts about your partner, whether accurate or not, affect your relationship and personal happiness. Often times, these…
Years ago, President Bush (the younger) was holding a press conference and a question was posed to illicit a response to our collective fear that Islam had become the enemy…