What are your strengths? Are you caring? Are you trustworthy? Are you creative? Do you make the best cookies this side of the Mississippi? All of these qualities, silly as…
Do you ever think about what your relationship might look like in 1 year, 5 years, or 20 years? This couples enrichment module will help you to develop or clarify…
Our current relationships are inevitably affected by our experiences in our past relationships. The families we grew up in, for better or worse, play a large role in who we…
What if the love you felt from your partner and children was like a bank account? How much credit would you want in your account – a little or a lot? If the answer is a lot, then…
It is common for couples to focus on one another’s flaws. While the goal of pointing out our partner’s weaknesses may be to change the flaw or help it go…