Navigating life transitions can be stressful and difficult to manage. Explore these resources below to help cope with these changes. Articles: Four Ways to Stay Connected During Life Transitions Deciding…
You and your partner have just gone through a major transition together, whether that was a change in location, job, family status, or something else. Both of you likely had…
You wear many hats in your life—maybe you arespouse/partner, parent, son/daughter, employee, friend,neighbor, church member, or underwater basket weaving clubpresident. During life transitions, our roles often change. Wemay lose or…
If you are getting ready to move, you areprobably beginning to sort through yourbelongings. Some things go in the trash, some go in a giveaway or sell pile, some things…
Below are resources about life transitions that you and your partner can explore together. Articles: Four Ways to Stay Connected During Life Transitions Deciding Instead of Sliding Into Major Relationship…