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When we marry we are no longer two individuals but an


C.S. Lewis wrote death itself will start to work _______.

Of the things Dr. Jen listed as real world imperfections. Which one do you most resonate with today? (laundry, work stress, kids, home improvement, etc.)

If a husband relinquishes himself for the other, and the wife relinquishes herself for the other, then both are invested in

____ ____ ____ ____.

Set aside a “me first” and focus on the ____.

Humility is most evident through the mindset of we can ________.

Are you willing to see what God will do if you put your down your _____?

SESSION TWO: Discussion

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your[a] life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1. Dr. Sells states that our identity is now in Christ, and this is similar to how our identity after being married is being a wife/husband. We are a new “us.” How is being an “us” as a couple similar to how the Trinity (God-Jesus-Holy Spirit) is an “us” ?

2. “For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ…” says verse 3.

What things have you given up in your life in your decision to follow Christ?

3. Similarly, marriage requires couples to give up self-focused things for the sake of the marriage/family. What things do you try to do to build up your relationship/family even though it’s not easy for you as an individual?

4. Think of all the relationship-type roles that you play in your life (i.e., spouse, son/daughter, sibling, parent, church member, employee). How should a Christian try and set your mind on “things above” in those relationships?

To be more Christ-like in how Christians relate to others in those roles?

5. Turn to your spouse right now (if spouse isn’t there, consider writing down a couple things to say later on) and state how you enjoy being part of the mysterious two-in-one “us” that is your relationship. If you want to improve your relationship, tell your spouse your intent to do that.