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Couples Small Group Handbooks & Videos

What is Grace Together?

Sign up for a dynamic, positive marriage workshop: Grace Together Marriage Workshop. This evidence-based Christian workshop combines the best of Christian teaching on marriage from Colossians, with the latest research on brain and behavior research. Co-led by Dr. Jim Sells, Ph.D., and Dr. Jennifer Ripley, Ph.D., directors of the Charis Institute at Regent University.

Dr. Sells and Dr. Ripley teach about Grace in Marriage. Then a small group of couples like you will meet together on Zoom for group discussions. Groups are led by counselors who are trained at Charis Institute.

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  • Module 1: Welcome and What to Expect (Click here to watch Module 1)
  • Module 2: The Us: Who are We as a Couple and Why are We Here?
  • Module 3: Pain
  • Module 4: Pain, Defense, Offense Cycle
  • Module 5: Grace: The Story of a Healthy Family
  • Module 6: The Good Marriage

The Grace Together videos are currently on a password-protected webpage which can be found by clicking the button below. If you need the password, please email us at

Access all Grace Together Videos



A Devotional on the Word Charis

The Greek word  charis is related to many words in English which have essential relevance to marriage.
conflicct avoidance

Couples Conflict: Avoidance is Not an Option

Avoidance is not an option. How to deal with conflict as a couple by using…

Session One: The Us

Marriage is where two individuals form an _____.

Session Two: A Christian Vision of Us

When we marry we are no longer two individuals but an _______.
Grace Together

Session Three: Pain

The _______ stem in our brains takes over when in pain.

Session Four: Pain Defense Offense Cycle

Their ________ feels like it's against me.

Session Five: Grace

The three things essential in succeeding at any task...

Session Six: The Good Marriage

Five components of the good marriage formula.